Thursday, June 12, 2008

Is it a stay at home day, mom?

Why yes, my sweet little girls, it is a stay at home day. (Give me a hooray!)

We have no babysitter for two days, so since last week's Moab adventure was cut off completely, I took two days off to watch my babies. The older one does not find the love that I feel in calling her my baby. Mooooom, I'm not a baby!

We have lots and lots of things we need to accomplish. Returning things to stores, picking more things up from said stores, picking up a half yard of dirt and flowers, finding the husband a father's day gift (yikes), clean the house, do laundry.

And it is almost nine o'clock and one child just got up and neither of them have even had breakfast.

I was going to go for a walk/run before the husband left for work, but when he got in the shower I asked what the temperature was outside and he said Thirty Eight. Thirty Eight? Are you joking? It is June 12th for heaven's sake. Needless to say, I stayed in bed and he kissed me at 7:15 as he was leaving.

It has been an unseasonably cool spring so far and I love it. I really do. It's been a little bizzare though. We can go from having the AC on during the day and it will drop so cold as a front blows in that the heater needs to be kicked on by the early evening. Take yesterday and today for example. Highs in the low 60's...yesterday it got up to 63 for about an hour and dropped and stayed in the 50' should be in the mid 60's...but by Saturday and Sunday, we should be almost 90.

Just in time for a family reunion on Saturday and family over here on Sunday for Father's I guess I should find something for my dad and father-in-law too. Ak! Hopefully I can get the in-laws to stay with the girls one day to save me a day in babysitter money. ha.

Not much going on. Just a long list of things I need to do. But I plan on enjoying my kids and taking it easy. In fact, it is time to get a refill on my coffee. So I am out of here.

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