Thursday, August 28, 2008

Doing a bang-up job

School is back in session. New pencils have been purchased from an extravagant splurge at the Hello Kitty Store. The non-grubby clothes have resurfaced for the wearing. There is homework to be done.

We went to back-to-school-night on Tuesday.

Sat around, listened to PTA people spew their PTA-stuff, went to S's classroom, met her teacher, got a run-down of what they are doing blah blah, please sign up and volunteer..I need two volunteer's a day. (WHA?) Yeah, I'll get back to you on that one.

I did sign up to volunteer for home projects I can do to help the teacher out and the Halloween party, so don't count me out as a complete slacker.

I gazed up on the wall at what looked like a little project the kid's had done in class with thumb-prints (awwww) that were made into faces. Happy, Sad and Angry faces.

S's went a little something like this:

Happy Thumb Print: I am happy when my sister shares with me.
Sad Thumb Print: I am sad when my mom yells at me.
Angry Thumb Print: I really don't know or remember what this one said, but I'm quite certain it didn't reference me.

Good hell.
I did a quick glance at the other kids' thumbprints and saw no mention of their mom's.


So it is now known to, at least S's teacher and whatever other parent's that check out the penmanship of their child's peers (like me) at how great of a job I am doing and the lasting effects I have on my kid. Geez.

She does have fantastic penmanship. I am so proud.


Amberlee said...

oh i hate when school is back in. My B brings home so much homework, I swear I graduated, barely, yes, but I did. Now I am back and paying for it with her. I loved your comment on my blog, please talk to my belly, you are the baby whisperer. You could make mad money doing that.

Amberlee said...

oh i hate when school is back in. My B brings home so much homework, I swear I graduated, barely, yes, but I did. Now I am back and paying for it with her. I loved your comment on my blog, please talk to my belly, you are the baby whisperer. You could make mad money doing that.