I'm preparing myself for my jaw work on Thursday by eating like a wild person.
Really. Think of all the things you eat every day, and take them all away.
My meals will again consist of liquified whatever. (Whatever you can liquify and have it still taste of something palatable)
By-the-way, I would not suggest cooking a hotdog and mashed potatoes and liquifying it...it's horrid...especially when it gets cold. Bluch. Fruits are the way to go for sure.
I will get to rest my jaw of all sorts of rambuncheous chewing, so I'm chowing on big sandwiches, that I can't open wide enough to get in my mouth, chips, hamburgers...anything fattening, ha ha. I had sushi last night and have requested that Rich gets me a Gyro from my fav Greek restaraunt in the city. Amber, we used to eat there :) I'm dying for one!
I'm so excited for my above mentioned friend. All engaged and such. I can't wait to meet her hubby-to-be.
Work is relatively stupid as of late. I dread going. I'm pretty burned out. I keep getting this story from my boss that we will "meet and talk about it" about many things that I need to talk about...and I have been constantly blown off. It's really starting to get on my nerves. He said today, that we will meet either later today (which I knew wouldn't happen) or tomorrow, which, really, will it or won't it? I'm betting on not meeting tomorrow. I'll be shocked if we do.
The bad thing is, I'm ready to blow, so this will not be a fun meeting. I NEED to hire another person, and when I went to make sure that was still okay in his book (which he has never questioned it before) he said "Let's talk" Okay...what the hell?
I am not in the mood...and may get snippy, so I'm going over what I may be saying tomorrow...in a nice-girl sort of way.
I need to not be a bitch. Eek.
The husband is not home again. I spoke to him at six, when he said he'd be at work for another hour. It's now after nine...yeah.
Took the girls for a walk, came back and painted toenails and I swear!!! I should not even bother to paint B's toenails. She immediately falls UP the stairs, seriously every time I paint them, and rubs them off on the carpet....uuuuggghhh.
She told me tonight she is my *big girl, not a baby*....I told her she will ALWAYS be my baby. Even if I do have to dodge the door jams so I don't bonk her head when I carry her, baby-style, in the morning when she is snuggly and warm.
Babies. They grow up way too fast.
Well, Monday is over, thank goodness, and here's to a fabulous Tuesday. Wish me luck.