Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Look at me, posting a photo. ha ha

I could post more, but it looks like the only current thing on iPhoto are the photos I just uploaded from my camera. After we copied everything off the old computer, everything else is saved on the external hard drive or copied to DVD's. Oh well. I certainly don't have that sort of time on my hands.

This was S's first day of school. B had been back in school for a few weeks at this point.

BUT. Better late than never, right?

I really had to come on here to clear my memory card since we are going up into the mountains and might have some good photo ops.

1 comment:

Sharee said...

Look how big your kids have gotten! I can't believe it has been about 2 1/2 years since I have seen you. I am so glad that you found me. I hope that all is going well with you and your family. It sounds like you are busy juggling life. Steph C. told me of all the changes that happened not long after I left. Have you kept in touch with anyone else? Are there still a lot of people who are working at FJ that I would know? Crazy... how time goes by so quickly. Email me at so we can keep in touch.